South Florida Fragile X Clinic
The South Florida Fragile X Clinic (SFFXC) was established in 2009 and is located at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in the Mailman Center for Child Development. The SFFXC is one of 26 clinics located across the United States and Canada, associated with the National Fragile X Clinical and Research Consortium, a project from the National Fragile X Foundation. This state of the art clinic provides individuals and families affected by fragile X with comprehensive care and treatment supported by the latest medical, educational, and research knowledge available.
Geneticist, Dr. Deborah Barbouth, leads the multidisciplinary team. A developmental pediatrician, psychologist, educational specialist, audiologist, and research assistant also staff the clinic, all with extensive experience in Fragile X Syndrome and child development.
Visits to the Fragile X clinic typically include a comprehensive physical and developmental exam, educational, and psychological evaluations, a thorough, targeted genetic counseling session, and a review of the recommended healthcare guidelines for children with Fragile X syndrome.
To Schedule an appointment, please contact
Kimberly Glaser, M.S., GC
Tel: (305) 243-9461