About Us
Families for Fragile X is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, established by families and friends all affected by Fragile X Syndrome.
Although parents of special needs children have loved ones to support them, it can seem that no one really understands the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges that face them. Rather often, the phrase "until you've walked a mile in these shoes" replays in the minds of parents of a special needs child. Families for Fragile X allows parents to have others to identify with that are going through the same struggles, headaches, and heartaches that come with having a child affected with Fragile X Syndrome. No parent should have to go through this journey alone.
Families for Fragile X is devoted to bringing the Fragile X community in South Florida, and the rest of Florida closer together. Also, the foundation is committed to raising funds for research and spreading awareness about Fragile X Syndrome to the communities in Florida.
Thank you for visiting. If you have any suggestions, recommendations, or feedback on how we can help you, please feel free to contact us directly at (305) 992-4430 or Michele@familiesforfragilex.org.
Click Here to Download Our 2008 IRS Form 990
Click Here to Download Our 2009 IRS Form 990